Today I mixed up the breakfast, and had a huge plate of fruit - strawberries, melons, and pineapple. Although I can eat oatmeal every day, I decided I needed to eat more fruit in the morning to help with my weight loss. Ever since my scolding from Dr. Fuhrman I am trying to follow his program more closely.
Walking through the slush I made it to the gym, but it was around 1 PM so I did not have time for a full work-out. I stretched, did my ab work-out (balancing on my tailbone with feet off the ground I would twist to my left and right holding a 16 pound medicine ball touching the mat at each rotation for a count of 40, then I would do 20 crunches with the ball held aloft. I would do this exercise for three repetitions. I stretched between each rep. I am terribly tight - always have been. In fact, going back to my earliest days of organized sports I was always above average in athleticism, but embarrassingly inflexible. Right now I am thinking about football practice when I was about 10, clear as day three decades later, and the kid next to me, Mike Heeley, had both legs outstretched, knees locked, and both hands grabbing his toes with zero effort. I had my knees bent slightly and still could only reach mid-way past my shins. I don't think I would have been any more impressed and envious if he bench pressed 500 lbs! So, flexibility has always been an issue for me - and I hate it.
I only had about 20 minutes for cardio so I jumped on the treadmill and walked briskly at between 10 and 14 degrees of incline - really got the heart rate up! I met a trainer and I will take one of his work-outs tomorrow. His expertise is in boxing conditioning, so it should be interesting.
For lunch I went to Maoz Vegetarian for whole wheat pita, hummus, eggplant, chickpeas, pickles, broccoli, diced onions and tomatoes.
I tried to drink as much water as possible since I have been feeling pretty dehydrated.
After work I met a good friend and former colleague at Rosie O'Grady's - an old watering hole of mine - for some seltzer and great conversation. She got me to add a Twitter account for My Vegan Quest (why did I wait so long?), and registering the domain myveganquest.com. Either I am a total moron, or using GoDaddy.com is harder to set up a website than advertised.
My dinner was lentil soup, white bean salad, and hummus...OK, and some bread, damn it! Well, I had only half as much Turkish bread as I normally do.
A request - some of you are nice enough to send me emails with your thoughts, but I would love it if you read my blog regularly and would comment below. Specifically, suggestions on what you like and don't like, and what you would like to read more of to make this blog more interesting. Thanks!
Do you cook? I'm horrible at it, but I've been vegan for 10 years & there are cookbooks that could really shake up your repertoire and make your stomach thrilled to be vegan (it seems like you often eat things either plain or pre-prepared). Start with Vegan with a Vengeance & you'll be hooked. good luck & consider staying vegan after the weight loss!
Thanks Abigail! It is so easy to order in or go to restaurants in NYC. I do like to cook, but I often opt for the easy way out - however, I do have a couple fo vegan cookbooks and I'll look up your suggestion. Thanks!
Firstly, I am enjoying your blog, it's entertaining and clearly inspirational for some readers. I suggest add a little more pain, you make it seem too easy, don't you fall asleep at night dreaming about a fillet Mignon or imagine that you are not in your own bed but asleep on the shoulder of a lovely young lass across the road in PJ Clarke's with Jameson in hand ? Bear in mind not all you readers have the fighting will power that you have, human nature is such that we enjoy others pain and are motivated by their ultimate triumph after a long arduous struggle ....
Very interesting observation.
Without a doubt I have urges, and sometimes it does involve falling asleep on a young lass' shoulder with a Jameson in hand. But, I am on a quest, and I am involved in the biggest test of myself I have ever undertaken - consequently, I am viewing this diet change, really a lifestyle change, as a mission, and not something that I "should do someday." In other words, unlike the 50 other times in my life where I tried to lose weight and live a healthier life, I am not doing it half-assed.
I have written before that I wish it was harder for me, I wish it were more of a struggle, but except for maybe 10-15 days out of 100 where I was really wishing I were eating high-fat foods that I love, it has been much easier than I ever thought it would be.
Human nature is such that sometimes we do feel better when someone attempts to do something we should do and fails, and of course misery loves company. And you are also right, dear reader, humans find inspiration from accomplishments gained by fallible people just like themselves.
Well, I wish I can point to martyr-like suffering, but I can't. Because I was committed to lose the weight, and because I was incapable of doing anything in moderation, I went 100% vegan and swore off alcohol for 6 months. For those that know me, I ask you find encouragement in that since you know damn well what radical change that was for me. For those that don't know me, that is why I incorporate parts of my past to hold up as a comparison to how I used to live, and how I have chosen to live now.
Great comment, Anon, thank you~!
If you like Indian food, here are some great easy-to-make recipes. I've tried several and they turned out well.
I've just read your blog from start to now and really enjoyed the descriptions of all the meals out you have had. I am now interested to see what changes you make to be more Fuhrman friendly and how it shows up on the scales. I've been vegan for 18 years, but am that worst advert, a fat vegan. I have toyed with the Eat To Live plan before, but never really gone for it 100 per cent. I'm beginning to wonder now, after reading your blog, that perhaps I should go all out and really get stuck in this time. I have thought a lot about what you said about every time you stay strong and turn down a temptation, that it makes you feel stronger, where as I usually just give in at the first hurdle. I look forward to sharing the remainder of your 6 months, and think that you now sound ready to go for the Fuhrman plan. Thanks for the blog.
Cucumbrian - thanks so much for your comments. My six month journey will end in two months time. It is actually a real charge to eat healthfully - trust me, and I love hat fat food more than anyone.
It is great that you are talking about staying steady on Dr. Fuhrman's diet. Just go for the ride and don't obsessed what you are doing. ALso, don't think of yourself as a martyr - you are fueling your body smartly.
Hi Terrence!
Your comment about being fairly inflexible physically reminded me of something in the NYT recently. It doesn't seem (to me!) like anything that should make one embarrassed, at the same time it does appear to have some health significance. . . .
I'm searching around for the url with no success! The basic gist of the piece was that studies have shown a correlation between the ability to touch one's toes and cardiovascular health.
Problem is, I don't recall what they said was USEFUL in helping a tight person become more loose -- but you might wish to search for the article and have more luck than I did. . . .
I'm loving your blog :)
TMS in A'vl/SF - Still trying to decipher the acronym!
Thanks for writing and I will try to find that article on flexibility. The best compliment I received was from my PE coach who said I was "consistent" in referring to my consistently inflexible limbs!
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