This morning I had a gratis training session for only :30 minutes. I didn't take really any breaks during my boxing, but as rigorous as it was I was not dog tired and sore like I get after the hour sessions. But it is great to get your exercise out of the way first thing in the morning! I just wish me and mornings were not such mortal enemies, I could do it more often.
I was feeling like something hardy today and went to one of my favorite Irish bar restaurants in Times Square hoping for a big bowl of hearty vegetable soup. They had minestrone, but I found out they, like most all restaurants, use beef stock. I'm splitting hairs, I know, but it's a matter of honor. I ordered a side of grilled vegetables without butter. It was poorly done, and I could not even eat the cauliflower - it tasted really off. That is why I will not mention the name of the place - my friends are owners, and it is a great pub for a pint, and I have always had a great meal there.
Dinner was vegetable dumplings, and edamame - I wish I made myself just a salad. Tonight I ended up at P.J. Clarke's - I have not been in there in some time. I met a nice girl and her brother, and of course my pint of seltzer water raised eyebrows and questions. It was near 11 PM and the girl, a kindergarten teacher, was feeling no pain. She gave me a long lecture on I am not getting enough protein on this diet, and that I really should pay attention to my blood type (Dr. Fuhrman dismantles this "blood type" argument by Dr. Peter D'Adamo mercilessly in Eat to Live). From another nutrician website,
Fuhrman finds D'Adamo's approach an interesting mix, with some factual blood type information and "a whole lot of far-fetched assertions that have no basis in fact" (p.109). The main problem is that D'Adamo presents little or no scientific evidence in support of his assertions, many of which are implausible and, particularly with respect to human physiology, simply unscientific or frankly incorrect.
And from Eat to Live in regards to protein, a refresher course:
We were all taught in school about the four basic food groups. Two of these four boxes were meat and dairy. It was drilled into us at an early age that a healthy diet was centered on meat and dairy. It was communicated to us that protein was the most important nutrient, and that these two food groups were the best source. Cancer rates subsequently soared. The reality is however, that whole grains, nuts, beans and vegetables are rich in protein and also contain additional nutrients that keep you healthy and nourish you. Meat and dairy is simply loaded with fat and cholesterol.
A good way to think about the power of protein from plants is by asking this question: what do elephants, gorillas and giraffes eat? They eat plants and are plenty big. Green vegetables contain more protein per 100 calories than steak. We have also been told that milk is the best source of calcium. Again, plants are a phenomenal source of calcium. As you begin to eliminate meat and dairy from your diet, you are creating an environment in your body that is hostile to, rather than friendly to cancer and tumors. Instead of saturated fat your body is taking in more fiber and antioxidant. Your risk of osteoporosis becomes lower. Weight loss becomes possible.
Anyway, the teacher and I had a nice discussion, but she was adamant about the dangers of a vegan diet. A lovely girl, but, once again, everyone is an expert on nutrition!had a nice discussion, but she was adamant about the dangers of a vegan diet. A lovely girl, but, once again, everyone is an expert on nutrition!
Feeling great today.